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My Babies – And How I Met Them

Hula and Koa, my babies! They are my “kids”! I photograph them as much as any parent photographs their little ones. It’s addicting, really. If I’m like this with my dogs, I wonder how I will be when I really do have kids? haha

Hula is actually from the Islands! She was born in Maui. So, how did I end up with her? I was on vacation and fell in love! Love at first sight – I’m serious! I was waiting to pick my sister up from the airport and I decided to stop by the Humane Society just because I had about 45 minutes until her plane landed. I only went there to look around. No, really, I did! Who goes to Hawaii and comes home with a dog? *two thumbs up and point at me* THIS GIRL!

Like I said, love at first site. All of the dogs were barking and jumping up and down. Sure I saw some cute ones, but I was just wasting time with no intentions of getting a dog. Then I saw her. She was laying on her back sleeping soundly in the sun. My kind of dog! I remember looking at her for a minute thinking how beautiful she was! Her markings and coloring were like nothing I had ever seen on a dog before.

I finally had to wake her up and have her come say “hi” to me through the fence. She stretched and walked over to me and immediately fell to the ground, rolled over and looked up with those cute brown puppy dog eyes. She wanted me to pet her tummy! Awwwww!! She totally knew what she was doing. I’m sure of it! Less than 5 minutes later I was in a private play yard with her and she was sitting in my lap licking my face. It was a done deal. She was coming home with me!

Here’s a picture Hula (aka Hula Girl). She’s a beagle/lab mix.


And then there’s little Koa. Koa is not from Hawaii but I had to give him a Hawaiian name so he wouldn’t feel left out. He is from a pet store in the Serramonta Mall.

Again, I wasn’t looking for a pet (I have since learned my lesson and I’m not allowed in pet stores anymore!). I was in the store buying some toys for Hula when I turned the corner and saw cages of puppies for sale! Being the dog lover I am, I rushed over and started scoping out the one I “just wanted to hold”. I spotted little Koa. He was only 2 lbs and he was the cutest white, fluffy little thing EVER!

Here’s his baby picture taken a few days after I brought him home…


SEE!! How could you turn away from that little face? So, I asked them to bring him out and I held him. And, once again, love at first sight. I picked out his little blue sweater and we were off…

Here’s some recent pictures of Koa. He’s a maltese-chiuaua mix. He’s not a yappy little dog eaither which I cannot stand and would never tolerate in my house! He’s chill, he listens, and he’s very well behaved!  :)



Those ears are definitely Chiuaua ears!

And there are my babies! I love them to death and I’m so happy I found them! I hope they’re happy with me too. hehe

Thanks for stopping by!

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April 14, 2011 - 11:47 pm

Diana - I love Hula and Koa! You lucked out, they are two of the most fantastic dogs EVER!! :)

April 15, 2011 - 5:30 am

marcie - Thanks, Diana. I feel pretty lucky! :)

April 15, 2011 - 8:21 pm

Jamie Pickle - They are too cute!! Koaster’s ears are the best and Hula when she talks to you in the morning, so cute.

April 15, 2011 - 9:35 pm

marcie - LOVE when Hula talks in the morning! :)

April 21, 2011 - 12:46 am

Nicole Slater - Hi! I was just perusing photographers from the bay area (I’m from Novato and now live in Oregon) and fell upon your blog! I used to have a dog named Koa, and I couldn’t help but comment. She has now passed away, but she was the most amazing dog. I lived in Hawaii which is how I came up with her name and her mom and Dad were actually from Hawaii. I now have 5 other dogs (yes, 5!) but I still think of Koa often. It is totally addicting to take photos of my dogs!! I sometimes wonder if anyone is bored with my obsession of photographing them yet. =) Nice to see I’m not the only one. Love your blog! And congrats on getting engaged.

April 21, 2011 - 4:54 pm

marcie - Nicole! Thanks for the comment. I am happy to see others love photographing their dogs as often as I do!! That’s super cool that you had a dog named Koa too AND lived in Hawaii! And, I can’t believe you have 5 now! Holy cow! Thanks for coming by and hope to keep in touch! :)

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